Who should opt for HIFU?
Individuals with the following skin cosmetic needs can opt for HIFU Treatment in Hyderabad, performed at KnewU Clinic:
Smoothening of fine lines and wrinkles
Lifting of the neck skin
Lifting of the skin of cheeks, upper eyelids, forehead, and eyebrows
Double chin reduction
Tightening of saggy facial skin or skin around the neck
Under-eye bags, tear troughs, and dark circles reduction
Improve jawline definition
Enhance skin’s elasticity and shaping of the face or body contours.
How does it work for skin tightening and rejuvenation?
HIFU treatment utilises the HIFU device that emits high-energy ultrasound waves. These waves can penetrate to varying depths of the skin dermis and selectively and safely heat the skin cells to up to 75℃. The short bursts of thermal energy trigger controlled injury of the targeted tissues. This further encourages the body’s natural wound-healing response. With optimal heat energy delivered into the targeted tissues underlying the skin surface, collagen remodelling takes place.
The skin’s fibroblasts get stimulated to produce fresh skin structural proteins- collagen and elastin fibres. Simultaneously, tissue regeneration occurs. All this leads to the natural restructuring of the tissue and tissue structures. At last, the skin gradually turns firmer, plumper, and tighter. A subtle, natural lifting effect of the skin is achieved.
What happens during a HIFU session?
Firstly, the doctor cleans the target site and applies a local anaesthetic cream, if needed. Once the skin is clean and numb, the doctor applies an ultrasound gel. Now, the HIFU device at a desired setting is pressed onto the treatment area for passing the energy. The energy passed into the skin for a few minutes in fractions or short pulses. When the targeted tissues reach the desired temperature, the doctor puts away the HIFU device.
To get the benefits of these amazing skin tightening treatments i.e. HIFU treatment in Hyderabad, schedule a consultation now with the skin experts at KnewU Clinic.
Fractional photothermolysis 1550nm this laser and light based therapy also shows promising results
These can be used by both males and females
RESULT : knewu clinic analyses the type and cause of pigmentation and provides best and safe treatment